venerdì 18 settembre 2009
giovedì 17 settembre 2009
Nell'iconografia classica del guerriero il ciliegio rappresenta insieme la bellezza e la caducità della vita: esso, durante la fioritura, mostra uno spettacolo incantevole nel quale il samurai vedeva riflessa la grandiosità della propria figura avvolta nell'armatura, ma è sufficiente un improvviso temporale perché tutti i fiori cadano a terra, proprio come il samurai può cadere per un colpo di spada infertogli dal nemico. Il guerriero, abituato a pensare alla morte in battaglia non come un fatto negativo ma come l'unica maniera onorevole di andarsene, rifletté nel fiore di ciliegio questa filosofia. Un antico verso ancora oggi ricordato è "hana wa sakuragi, hito wa bushi" (花は桜木人は武士) che tradotto significa "tra i fiori il ciliegio, tra gli uomini il guerriero".
Essendo stato per me, e per molti altri, una persona importante, che ha vissuto con una grande nobiltà d'animo. Ho voluto portarlo con me con questo disegno. Vuole essere un omaggio al suo coraggio, alla sua voglia di vivere, e un monito per me stessa, per ricordarmi che basta un soffio di vento per perdere ciò che di importante abbiamo.
Today I finally managed to have my new tattoo! The design was ready for months, I did it. It's connected to death of my uncle, after 2 years of fighting cancer. It may sound strange to tell, but the night before he died I dreamed that I was having a cherry blossom tattoo on my hand. So I went in search of the meaning of this type of tattoo. This is what I found:
Classic iconography of the warrior with the cherry tree represents the beauty and transience of life: it, at flowering, shows an enchanting place where the samurai saw reflected the grandeur of his figure wrapped in it's army, but just a sudden storm because all the flowers fall to the ground, just like the samurai could fall under enemy's sword. The warrior, accustomed to thinking of the death in battle as a bad thing but as the only honorable way to go, reflected in the cherry blossoms this philosophy. An old ways still remembered today is "Hana wa Sakuragi, hito wa bushi" (花は桜木人は武士) which translated means "among all blossoms the cherry blossoms, among men the warrior."
He was for me and for many others, an important person, who has lived with great nobility. I wanted to take it with me with this design. It is a tribute to his courage, his will to live, and a reminder to myself that in a moment we can miss what is important to have.
sabato 12 settembre 2009
Pics from
venerdì 11 settembre 2009
I's a fact: the little black dress is always perfect. Just choose some detail on it, particularly accessory, and it is the right choice for a night out.
This evening I went first to a drink, then the inauguration of zushi restaurant and then to dinner at the restaurant Matamoro. Obviously accompanied by my boyfriend! I was in a hurry and I did not put a lot of accessories, only a pair of hanging blacks earrings. But I think the sandals attract all eyes, and i need anything else.

lunedì 7 settembre 2009
This Sunday me and my boyfriend have an afternoon of relax. A walk and a drink in Torri del Benaco, my hometown. I've lived here for 22 years, then my parents decided to move to around 2o kilometers inland. It 'a beautiful little town, very distinctive, great for a tourist, but it offers too little for those who are in permanent residence during the year. If you like and will have a trip in this nice place, click here.

venerdì 4 settembre 2009
When I saw for the first time this jacket it was immediatly love: short, full of details, elegant or sporty. The best ting is the versatility, in every sense: it can be worn in two different ways, with the zip in the front as a true jacket, or with that behind, like a sweatshirt cut detail. I can not wait cold weather to wear it!

Jacket Gattacicova
giovedì 3 settembre 2009
Top Bershka, vest and belt Asos, shorts DIY, leggins Calzedonia, heels Carvela, clutch Fendi
Clutch: Fendi
martedì 1 settembre 2009


shoes Tory Burch
Ps. Ragazze ma sbaglio o su Asos i prezzi sono un pochino lievitati? A cifre accettabili non vedo niente di che come stivali o tronchetti... mmmmmmmmmmm